
Photography in reflection of woman's sunglasses



Twenty Twenty Four | The Year That Triggered Change.

Gavin Jacob Power

written by

1 January 2025

It is New Years Eve, and this is why I decided to spend it alone in bed!

It’s New Years Eve and I decided to write this whilst watching Chicken Run in bed with a cup of tea. This was a decision of my own choosing. I had a few offers to go out and about however I mentally didn’t feel in the right headspace to socialise. Also, Tinks is banging company (not that she is here currently) – as is Jools Holland (who also isn’t here – thankfully (I think?!?))

Over the last few days, I decided to tune out from the cacophony of modern life, by turning my iPhone off, and switching my Nokia on. It is something I started doing throughout this year and would highly recommend it from time to time. A little reset of mind. Yesterday I wandered 13 miles, in and around Bristol, listening to my iPod (retro I know) whilst occasionally taking time to sit, enjoy the views, and reflect on the year gone by. I openly admit, in recent months I have been riding on The Big Dipper of emotions, so my first thanks of the year goes to those around me that have embraced this Blackpool Pleasure Beach of a Gavin. I appreciate you all a lot.

Learning to embrace the calm amidst the noise of significant change

During these end of year reviews, I normally write a load of waffle about how glorious my year has been and how much I look forward to more the same next year, however to say that would be unfair to my mind and frankly would be a lie! You want the honest truth? This year has been hard! On the plus side of it; Weddings alone, I got to shoot 14 incredible ones, and a further 9 as a second photographer – feeling the warmth of it all whilst having a shed load of fun; I also got named in the Top 100 in the World lists by multiple wedding photography bodies for the second year running. I often brush it aside but when I actually take stock, it is a great achievement and something I am proud of!

On the flip side of such positivity: I ask the question, Would I have loved to shoot more weddings? The answer – An easy yes! And although I am always grateful that my photography is being recognised, I often feel it is just another layer of noise that ultimately heaps spoonfuls of pressure onto the next year, and the already chaotic recipe of my mind.

Through all the plus and minuses of work life, the biggest change of the year came through a personal decision. I made a choice to leave. It tore up my core roots, as consequence, hurting myself whilst also a person I care for so deeply. It has left me walking a tightrope in life limbo that I am currently trying to navigate. Although I know ultimately it will be for the better all around, in the immediate it has been hard to deal with and comprehend. That is why I sit, and type, in sombre reflection of the year gone by and how best to act change in order to put a some firm roots back into the ground. As I sat yesterday, with a coffee at the harbours edge of Bristol, I thought, firstly how beautiful a view it was overlooking the colourful houses of Hotwells. Then I snapped out of trance and asked myself the loaded questions. What ultimately makes you happy? What do you want to achieve next?

January is not the time for serious change or resolutions.

Every year I get asked what my New Years resolutions are. Well – mic drop – I don’t really believe in making them. I can’t think of a worse time to plan positive change; shivering as you trudge sodden through a bare forest, as mother nature whips up a storm! Strewth, Really! – said with a side eye smirk. So this Spring, when the first buds of life grow, I shall firm up my plans for the next twelve months. I have a few things in mind already but for now I shall wait. However, that is three months away, so what now? What do I want to achieve?

To achieve on a base level would mean rolling my new branding out, I’ve been sitting on that bad boy for over a year now. So that is January’s plan. On a deeper level one thing I do crave to achieve is my own sense of security. For a long period of my life I dreamt about a more self sufficient life – owning a cabin in the woods, surrounded by chickens and homegrown vegetables. With the price of everything currently this is, for now, a tomorrow plan. A plan for today however would be another dream of mine. To own a narrowboat. This would give me the firm grounding – ironic I know – I much need to build everything else around. This is what I am working towards. However living in a society that we do, that good old thing of money comes into play. So this transitions me nicely into question two, the “What makes me happy?” (Caveat – It isn’t money)

Photography and documenting life is what gives me most joy.

I feel true joy when I can tell stories using my camera. This Christmas I even got out my old MiniDV camcorder and made a family video – genuinely thinking I might roll this into my business as it was so nostalgic and fun. But yeah I have always been very observational and creatively minded, so to have the ability to offer those skills as a job is perfect for me. Throughout every day life I see moments; moments that make me chuckle inside or bring joy. Whether it be a simple expression; a curiosity of dappled light; or a hidden face in an unknown place. I love to capture it! Record it for the future generations to hopefully react with a similar smile. The only thing now however, is I would like the opportunity to shoot these moments more often. That is why I made a decision to reduce my pricing for the new year.

Full Day wedding Photography For only £1500 in 2025.

I spent numerous years trying to balance earning money with having weekends available to share with the people in my life. However I maybe swung too far to the latter, so for the immediate year I would actually prefer to switch this around. To keep busy and work a little more. When I am photographing a wedding I am being creative, socialising, smiling and having fun. Generally the continual work keeps me creatively diligent, whilst also making me more proactive in busy periods. All monies will help towards getting my grounding in the form of a narrowboat and berth. There are not many things I can directly change, however making my work more accessible to everyone is one. That is why I have made a decision to reduce my “The Just Me Package” price. For the past 5 years this has been between £2k-£3k however for 2025 weddings only and until further notice my full day wedding photography digital package will start from only £1500* – however, if you did want to pay extra towards the normal rate then I would never say no, obviously!

*NOTE // This offer price is within 30 miles of Bristol (BS1 3QY) – further afield would be quoted for on an individual basis but roughly at the price of +£100 for travel only or +£350 for travel and to cover additional hotel costs.

Photographers! Need a second shooter this year? Book in your dates now.

Are you a photographer looking for a second shooter who loves shooting documentary moments? Then my diary is open. As I say, in 2025, I want to photograph as much as I can so feel free to book me in now for any future dates and we can enjoy a groove together this coming year. You can find out all the relevant information on my second shooting page.

Wasn’t this end of year review meant to be about photographs?

Yeah, you are right! So onwards to that! Below are 100 of my favourite photographs from weddings last year. I opted to choose just the moments and haven’t included any portraits. The moments are often the ones that made me laugh most or just stop and made me think, huh? wait? or what? They bring me the most joy in edit and generally remain favourites for years to come. But first, to pre-empt the questions…

  • I waited for a while in pure intrigue on how he was going to tackle the predicament, then he magically found a way of eating the crisps whilst maintaining a great grip on the bag and perfect bouquet holding etiquette. How? I do not remember but I know it was majestic.
  • I have doctored the umbrella to remove some numbers, so good luck trying to call Mrs Fryer! She is lovely by the way!
  • Yes, I do seem to have had a fascination with hands and shoes this year.
  • The lady is strangling herself, I am just getting in her grill, living my best life through her sexy shades!

A Final Thanks

Anyways! I want to end by sending thanks all my couples for just allowing, and trusting me the freedom to capture their days. Thanks also to all their guests for supplying the coolness, to all the suppliers I worked with and to everyone else who has been a part of my year. I hope you enjoy these moments as much as I did taking them! If you like what you see then drop me a message! I would love to tell your story! Who knows next year I might be writing this on my narrowboat, or failing that I could also be wandering around South America – the next adventure on my hit list! Who knows what will become of my latter 2025!

Anyways a final thanks to you all for reading my ramblings! Love and well wishes for everyones Twenty Twenty Five! Gavin. X

Ps. Tinks didn’t show up until after midnight; Jools just serenaded me through the projector but thankfully hasn’t rocked up to my house! Also writing this has been very cathartic, so I’ll add that to my ‘non resolution list’ for the next three months. To write more.

If you like what you see and are interested in wedding photography with me then get in touch! I offer a range of packages from micro weddings to the full shebang extended coverage. All can be tailored to your specific needs.

 Help! I lost my Cat!!

£25 gift voucher
£250 off wedding photography
Free Half Day '24' family shoot
50% off photography courses

Tinks my cat has gone wandering around my website.
If you find her whilst browsing then be sure to click on her for your reward. Please help get her home safe! 


What does tinks look like?